

Setting easy to remember, hard to guess passwords isn’t as difficult as people say. Making strange passwords that are hard to remember but aren’t very strong is something a lot of people do. Using a passphrase is a better idea. An XKCD comic gets the point across.

You can go to diceware Tor I2P to generate one, generate one in a password manager such as KeePassXC or you can pick up a physical dictionary and select words randomly for your passphrase.

Using a password manager is a good way to have different passwords for various services so if one stores passwords poorly and your password is cracked, they can’t get into other accounts you have with the same password. I set a very difficult to crack easy to remember passphrase to access the file for my password manager and I make the password complexity for each service very high and hard to remember because it doesn’t matter as I have it saved like this. Be careful when choosing a password manager, keep backups and I would suggest keeping it from transferring over the internet.